1.2. Formatting

One of the important functions of namedstruct library is the ability to convert a binary struct into human readable format. The library does not convert the struct directly into strings. Instead, it converts the struct into dictionaries and lists, which is suitable for pprint or json.dumps as well as further processing. Call namedstruct.dump() on a parsed value to convert it into this format:

from namedstruct import *

my_struct = nstruct((uint16, 'x'),
                    (uint8, 'y'),
                    (raw, 'data'),
                    padding = 1,
                    name = 'my_struct')
s = my_struct(x = 1, y = 2, data = b'abc')
>>> dump(s)
{'y': 2, 'x': 1, '_type': '<my_struct>', 'data': 'abc'}
>>> dump(s, typeinfo = DUMPTYPE_NONE)
{'y': 2, 'x': 1, 'data': 'abc'}

1.2.1. Human Readable Formatting

There are different options on calling namedstruct.dump(). When humanread is True, extra formatting procedures are executed on special data types to convert them into human-readable format. For example, enumerates defined by namedstruct.enum are converted into names:

from namedstruct import *

gender = enum('gender', globals(),uint8,
               MALE = 0,
               FEMALE = 1)

abilities = enum('abilities', globals(), uint16, True,
                  SWIMMING = 1<<0,
                  JUMPING = 1<<1,
                  RUNNING = 1<<2,
                  CLIMBING = 1<<3)

person = nstruct((cstr, 'name'),
                  (gender, 'gender'),
                  (abilities, 'abilities'),
                  name = 'person',
                  padding = 1)

john = person(name = 'john', gender = MALE, abilities = JUMPING | CLIMBING)

>>> dump(john, True)
{'gender': 'MALE', '_type': '<person>', 'abilities': 'JUMPING CLIMBING', 'name': 'john'}
>>> dump(john, False)
{'gender': 0, '_type': '<person>', 'abilities': 10, 'name': 'john'}

See namedstruct.dump() for descriptions of parameters.

1.2.2. Customized Human Readable Formatting

There are three approaches to customize the display format of a data type when calling namedstruct.dump().

  • Formatter Attribute

    Set the formatter attribute of a defined data type to a function to execute it on formatting. The function should take the “unformatted” representation of the data as a parameter, and return the formatted data:

    ETH_ALEN = 6
    mac_addr = uint8[ETH_ALEN]
    mac_addr.formatter = lambda x: ':'.join('%02X' % (n,) for n in x)
    my_packet = nstruct((mac_addr, 'src'),
                         (mac_addr, 'dst'),
                         name = 'my_packet',
                         padding = 1)
    p = my_packet(src = [0x00, 0xFF, 0x31, 0x14, 0x25, 0x17], dst = [0x00, 0xFF, 0x12, 0x45, 0x7a, 0x0b])
    >>> dump(p, False)
    {'src': [0, 255, 49, 20, 37, 23], 'dst': [0, 255, 18, 69, 122, 11], '_type': '<my_packet>'}
    >>> dump(p)
    {'src': '00:FF:31:14:25:17', 'dst': '00:FF:12:45:7A:0B', '_type': '<my_packet>'}

    Notice that the formatter attribute of the data type only has effect when the data type is used as the type of a field in a struct.

  • Formatter Option

    namedstruct.nstruct has a formatter option, which is similar to the formatter attribute. Different from setting the attribute, the option is executed even if the data type is the out-most struct:

    ops = ['+', '-', '*', '/']
    expr = nstruct((uint32, 'a'),
                   (uint32, 'b'),
                   (uint8, 'op'),
                   name = 'expr',
                   padding = 1,
                   formatter = lambda x: '%d %s %d' % (x['a'], ops[x['op']], x['b']))
    >>> dump(expr(a = 12, b = 23, op = 0))
    '12 + 23'
  • Type Extending

    Sometimes it is not possible to know the exact format of a field in a struct until the struct is subclassed. extend option can be used to replace the formatting procedure of a field as if the field is in type defined by extend option:

    from namedstruct import *
    person_type = enum('person_type', globals(), uint8,
                      STUDENT = 0,
                      TEACHER = 1)
    student_flag = enum('student_flag', globals(), uint8, True,
                         HARDWORKING = 1<<0,
                         SMART = 1<<1,
                         FRIENDLY = 1<<2,
                         STRONG = 1<<3)
    teacher_flag = enum('teacher_flag', globals(), uint8, True,
                         HARDWORKING = 1<<0,
                         EXPERIENCED = 1<<1,
                         ENTHUSIASTIC = 1<<2,
                         STRICT = 1<<3)
    person = nstruct((uint16, 'length'),
                      (person_type, 'type'),
                      (uint8, 'flag'),
                      classifier = lambda x: x.type,
                      name = 'person',
                      padding = 1,
                      size = lambda x: x.length,
                      prepack = packrealsize('length'))
    student = nstruct((uint8, 'grade'),
                      (uint8, 'classno'),
                      name = 'student',
                      classifyby = (STUDENT,),
                      init = packvalue(STUDENT, 'type'),
                      extend = {'flag': student_flag},
                      base = person)
    teacher = nstruct((uint8, 'age'),
                      (uint8, 'subject'),
                      name = 'teacher',
                      classifyby = (TEACHER,),
                      init = packvalue(TEACHER, 'type'),
                      extend = {'flag': teacher_flag},
                      base = person)
    >>> dump(student(grade = 2, classno = 1, flag = 10))
    {'_type': '<student>', 'grade': 2, 'length': 0, 'flag': 'SMART STRONG', 'classno': 1, 'type': 'STUDENT'}
    >>> dump(teacher(age = 35, subject = 0, flag = 10))
    {'_type': '<teacher>', 'age': 35, 'flag': 'EXPERIENCED STRICT', 'length': 0, 'type': 'TEACHER', 'subject': 0}

The overall formatting procedure of a struct is in this order:

  1. Dump result of every field (including fields of base type, fields of embedded structs) is calculated. If the field value is a struct, the struct formatting is the same as this procedure.
  2. Fields defined in this struct (including fields of base type, excluding fields of embedded structs) is formatted with the “formatter”, either from the original type or from the extend type. If any descendant fields are extended with extend, they are also formatted.
  3. Embedded structs are formatted like in 2 i.e. fields with “formatter” and fields in extend are formatted.
  4. formatter option is executed if it is defined in the struct type.